Thursday, December 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Jennifer

Ahhhh we have another Birthday this month, Jennifer (Denises Daughter ) is celebrating her birthday, actually it was Tues Dec 5th, No i did not forget about you Jenn, you were in my thoughts, keep checking your mail box, you might be getting something, now don't get too excited just a little something. Hope your birthday was good and maybe you can put a posting up here telling us what you did on your special day. I am still waiting for pictures from some people to get posted up here. I know its been awhile since i have been here, but being that time of year it is busy for everyone.
Laura and I and the boys are heading to mexico the week of Dec 10th, figure this will be our last major vacation together, well down south anyways, so this should be interesting, and i should have some pictures to share when i return.
Also i am not hearing from alot of family members on here where has everyone gone? get the word out there to get on the family blog and let us know what is going on in there life.
We all would like to know. See you in a week.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My New Sister-Inlaws Birthday

Well it looks like its a busy week for Birthday's and its only Tuesday, Today i get to say Happy Birthday to my new found Sister In law Bev. Bev is married to Jeff my long lost brother, well he is not lost anymore... Bev and Jeff live out in Abbotsford BC with their 3 children, and for anyone that was able to make it up to Georgetown last spring and had a chance to meet Bev and Jeff they will already know the story. And for anyone else that has not met or seen them, i will doing a posting soon, introducing his story to my blog. Anyways back to Bev's special day. Happy Birthday Bev, i hope my brother got you something nice, I told him that you could go wrong with Jewelry, but if i know Jeff, I am going to guess he got you a nice Salmon fishing rod, and if i know you... that would make you happy... Well what ever he got you, i hope you enjoy it.... Enjoy your special day. Maybe we can get some pictures from you of your birthday so i can get them up here on the blog for all to see... No pictures of the cake thou, we do not want to count all those candles.... Love Mike xoxo The Good looking Brother In law xo

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to you.

Well it was just a matter of time before we reached someone in the family's birthday. And actually we have two birthdays to celebrate, The first one is Denise Shea, she is celebrating her ???? Birthday, now Jennifer her daughter made me promise i would not reveal her actual age, but she looks great for 29. LOL Happy Birthday Denise, actually it was Nov 8th, no i did not forget about you, just a little slow getting back online. Hope you did something special on your day and your kids pampered you.
The second birthday wish goes out to Michael Toms, Nov 13 , if i am not mistaken he has reached 26 years of age today, Happy Birthday Michael and i hope all is going well with him and his new baby, Hopefully Steph gave michael breakfast in bed today? I am looking for some more new pictures of the baby. Aunt Jean left Friday to head to sunny florida to visit Carolyn and Martin, so hopefully we will have some pictures to post of her trip on here when she returns.
Keep checking back from time to time to see what is going on, and if there is any new events in the family... I look forward to hearing from you and reading your comments.. so keep them coming...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Kassidy in Brownies

Nicole had promised me some pictures of her daughter Kassidy in her brownie uniform, she sent me a few to choose from and i have to say i thought this was the one that stood out the most and kind of said it all. I remember when i was in Cub Scouts , man it seems like a million years ago now, we got to wear that little cub hat, and our uniform was all nice and pressed. We attended meetings on tues in a hall that was actually a church on the corner of Mountainview and Sinclair but that night we took it over and did cub activities. Learned to tie my first knots there... don't ask me to do them now...i only remember a couple of them. We also had a makeshift fire pit, now anyone that went to cubs or scouts or even brownies for that matter will know what i am talking about , this was a fake fire pit that had a red covering with a lightbulb under it to give it the effect of a glowing fire, never was any heat from it, none that you had to worry about anyways.
I think it would be great if we could get a couple of the kids that are going to Cubs or scouts or Brownies and do a post on here and tell us some of there stories of there own. Do they still sing Kumbaya at the jamboree's??? Hope to hear from you soon.

Darrell & Kelly's Family

Well i know it has not been that long that Halloween has passed us by, but as promised i am getting some more pictures from Halloween posted for all to see. Here is the picture of Darrell, Brydon,(Left) Alex, (Center)and Zach.(Front) Not sure what Kelly was but i think she was under cover and chose not to be in the picture, not to give away her identity... But i am sure i will find another one to get posted soon...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween 2006

Well i hope everyone survived Halloween ok, Was it just me or are the number of kids dropping off, Nicole (Debbie's daughter) sent me this picture of her daughter Kassidy who is 7 years old. Now i am not sure if she went out for Halloween dressed like this, or if this is what she wears every day, and her mother told me kassidy is a little angel, well i am just not seeing it. It looks like she is working up some kind of a spell here. Well she looks cute anyways, and i thank Nicole for sending that in for us to share. If you have some pictures of Halloween you would like to share with us, send them to me and i will get them posted for all to see, would love to see some of the costumes that were out last night, Darrell Kelly, Brydon, Alex and Zack came over to our place last night as being they live in the country there is not allot of action going on out there. They all looked great even Darrell dressed up and i will have that picture up shortly for all to see, The kids did good in gathering all there treats, even thou Zack was disappointed that he did not get any Mars bars. I remember when i was a kid Trick or treating that you got a whole chocolate bare, not these bite size pieces... and remember the old Popeye Candy Cigarettes? Just not like the old days is it...

Get those pictures into me, and if you have a great story of maybe something you remember from Halloween when you were a kid, send it in and let us all here it.... Look forward to it....

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nicole's Daughter starts Brownies (Debbie's Daughter)

Nicole wrote:
Hey Mike, It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you very much for forwarding the link to me. I think it is a great idea. Finally we can all keep in touch. Of course I remember you, lol. Mom is right you are a hard person to forget. Doesn't help that mom talks about you ALL time too. Not much is new with me. I am sure mom has told you that i now work at the same place she does, at a nursing home. I absolutly love my job. Those old folks really do get to my heart and it is a privlage to help them in their time of need. Kassidy is 7 years old going on 30 lol and in grade 2. she started brownies this year and loving it. She went to her first brownie camp last weekend. I thought she was giong to cry and not want me to leave but to my surprise my baby grabbed her stuff and said good bye as she ran into the cabin. I went car shopping this weekend. I am so confused as to what car I really like now. I do have a while to decide, lol I need to get rid of some debt first. Hopefully I can do it soon. In 2 weeks i am going to get some pitures done so hopefully i will have some great ones for you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jeff, Tammy, Colin, Alysia Carpenter

Hey everyone Tammy Carpenter (Jeff's wife) was nice enought to start off the family picture entry and here is a picture of there family from last year on a family outing to a sugar bush. Tammy promised me to get a more updated picture, so then we can see how much they have changed in a year. Good luck in your move guys, did i tell you that i hate moving....

Friday, October 27, 2006

A Fathers passing... Tammy Carpenter writes

Hi All, This is Jeff and Tammy Carpenter. Just informing those that don't know about Bonnie Carpenter's dad (Ralph Stillwell) passing on Saturday, October 21st. Ralph was in his 85th year and was predeceased by his wife Arletta. Bonnie and Larry's email is for those who want to drop them a hello. We ourselves, are busy packing up our 24 acre farm to move to our 40' lot in town(yikes!) at the end of November. We are in the process of having some family photos done and will try to put them on before Christmas! It has been great reading the stories and what others are posting so keep it up!
10/27/2006 9:22 PM

Email address

Hi guys, if you could forward any pictures of yourself or your family to this email address i will get them on the blog for the rest of the family to see...... now come on do not be shy.. we all want to see what a good looking family you have... and also if you can send me any of your family's email addresses also i can keep them in the loop... Here is my address:

Contact with Alberta

Hey Jennifer good to hear from you, and thanks for stopping in, maybe you could send me your email address, Your mother's (does she know how to turn a computer on?) and your brothers... I know he has to have one to stay in touch with all his girlfriends. You and everyone can forward any email address to this address: and i will make sure you stay on the list and get a message when the blog has been updated. Now Jennifer we need a picture of your family, what do you have on that computer of yours? I can not believe your 18 already.. seems like just yesterday you were spitting all over yourself, now when you turn 19 old enough to drink you can spit all over yourself again... funny how life works that way. Send me some pictures and up date us on what is happening with your family out there in Alberta... We all look forward to it.... Well thats it for now... your good looking Uncle Mike signing off... "No comment....

Jennifer (Denise's Daughter)

This*Love* said...
Hello Its Jennifer, Denise Shea's daughter in Alberta!Micheals Baby is adorable!!Congrats<3
10/27/2006 6:01 PM

Benjamin Michael Toms

Its friday, Debbie has forward to me some pictures of her new grandbaby, and i am going to post them here for all to see. Its funny when you look at these they make me think of how goofy looking babies can be, And yes i do include my own boys into that category. The picture in the middle is Nicoles daughter Kassidy, she is now 7 years old and you can see by the smile on her face how proud she must be of her new cousin. Now all i need is some more pictures to be sent to me from other family members and we can get this Blog moving. I am still waiting for pictures from Chad and Stacy's wedding, they should be up soon.
hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We Buried our Mother Today

It has been almost 8 months since my mothers passing and the day finally came Sat Oct 14th @ 1pm to put her to rest. It was her wishes that she have a very simple service with immediate family present. It does not surprise me that she would want this, as she was always worried about inconviencing someone and i am sure she would think the same thing even after leaving this earth that she would not want to trouble anyone to come out and pay there last respects to her. It started out to be a nice afternoon and then the black clouds set in just as the service was starting and the skies opened up with the sleet and hail coming down, I heard someone say that everything happens for a reason, and just about then i thought, did Joan have any part of this weather condition , as her way of showing or trying to tell us something, maybe for us taking longer then planned on putting her to rest. Or was it just Mother Nature being cruel as she can be some times. Not all the family was present as mentioned earlier by Jim and Tammy, our Fort Erie family was hit hard and suffered some major damage and set back.

Bill Carpenter contacted me and expressed his sorrow in not being able to make it to the service and passed along his respects. I thought that was a great consideration toward my mother and know that Fort Eries prayers were with us and my mothers memory....... Joan is now resting hopefully in Peace now with my father Bud.... She will be missed everyday... Goodbye Mom..xoxo

Fort Erie gets hit by Mother Nature

Jim and Tammy said...
Hi everyone. Mike,Laura,Darrell,Kelly and families. PLEASE accept our appologies for not being able to say our goodbyes to a wonder woman to Joan Parsons. Our lives and many others have been touched for knowing such a special person. We really felt bad about not showing up today,but I am sure you all heard Mother Nature was not too nice to us this week. Fort Erie got dumped on Thrusday afternoon and by 4:30 all the hydro was gone. Today at about 10:30 am it came on for about 10 mins. Before we knew the basement started to flood, the generator broke. Jim worked on the generator,Leslie,Shawn and me proceeded to bail water. Found 2 extra generators and repaired the other one. hydro back on at 5:00 pm. Not sure if Brian has any.Bill and Patti no, but finially did get a generator.As for us,we have had Jason,Melanie,Joseph and 2cats since Thrus. Tonight Leslie,Shawn and 2 cats have joined us. Jim has got a little Cat House going for himself because we have 2 indoor cats and 1 outdoor cat. And if his shoulder didn't hurt so damn much he might enjoy himself.Well that about it for now.Again we are sorry we could not make today.Hope to see you all soon under better circumstances. Jim and Tammy
10/14/2006 11:32 PM

Update of events

It has been almost a month since i have gotten back here to the blog, it seems time slips away so fast and the weeks just fly by. A number of events have unfolded in the past month, I was able to help Aunt Jean move into her new condominium in Cambridge. It was strange to go out to her home is ospringe where she has lived for almost 18 years. I think back when Jean and Larry lived at 40 Hickson St in toronto, it still amazes me to this day how they were able to raise 4 girls in that house and not kill each other, there was a time long ago that I also was living with them as my mother and father were having some issues they needed to work out and it was just easier i guess if i stayed with Aunt Jean and Uncle Larry. Not really sure why or how long i stayed there, i just remember a brief stay, and going to school across the street, what a bummer that was to have the school right across the street from your home, you had no excuse for being late. I was very happy when they moved out of Hickson and finally got a home that they could enjoy and have some room to breathe. But as i said the weeks go into months and the years fly by, it seems before you know it your leaving your dream home to start downsizing and getting something that is more suitable and manageable for your lifestyle. With uncle Larry's passing i am sure the home was getting a little hard to handle. I know Joan had often talked about Jean coming to live with her in milton, but that never seemed to unfold. So Jean says good bye to the home in the country and heads for the city. Debbie, Marlyn, Rusty my son, and myself get her all moved into her new place and started on another chapter of her life, I know it is a good move for her and i think she will find alot of comfort in having more friends around her in her new place.

Its funny how this is unfolding for Aunt Jean and she is starting a new chapter in her life, Debbie begins to tell me that her son Michael and his wife, Steph are expecting a child, she has gone into labour and Debbie is a mess, actually she was pretty good, but then again its her second grandchild so she is an ole pro at this stuff now. Hopefully she can give me some lessons when my time comes... not that i am hoping for grand kids anytime soon...

I recieved a message from debbie that night that it was a baby boy and Michael and Steph named him Benjamin Michael Toms, hopefully debbie will send me some pictures so i can post them here for the family to see... I think we need pictures in here...and i hope to get some up as soon as i figure this blog out....... I also need more comments and input from the family members... so you get busy too and update everyone with what is going on in your life.....

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Week of Celebrations

It has been a busy week for me, alot of various celebrations going on that i was able to attend and others i was made aware of thru our blog here. My first celebration was a celebration of life, a girl I went to school with and who Laura knew very well was diagnosed with cancer in 1999 and sadly passed away Monday Sept 11th, 2006, Her name was Joanne and she also taught both my boys Rusty and Andrew, she was a teacher in the catholic school here in Georgetown. Joanne was a big sponsor of the Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk for the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, and Laura had completed that walk a couple years ago also.
I say we celebrate Joann's life as she was only 42 years of age, and she had suffered so much pain from this terrible disease , that when the final minutes of her life came to an end, her family and friends were so happy that the suffering was finally over and she was in a peaceful place now.

My next celebration was of a 13th Birthday, Darrell's oldest son "Brydon" has entered into the teenager part of his life, boy is he ever getting tall, we celebrated with a dinner and cake at Shoeless Joes in town, the same place we celebrated Joan's 65th birthday, it seems to be where we do most of our celebrations with family and friends. Darrell & Kelly have 2 other sons also, Alex who is 10 and very quiet, and then there is Zack who is 5 and a little pistol, the boy is full of energy.

Saturday Darrell , Kelly, Laura & myself traveled down to Fort Erie to join in and witness another celebration, Bill & Patty Carpenter's daughter "Stacy got married to Chad James. It was a great day, had a chance to see some of the Carpenter clan, and of course all there kids and even grandkids. We spent some time at Brian and Michele's home between the ceremony and the reception, so that gave us a chance to catch up on some lost time and share some memories. Aunt Bonnie had a chance to get a ride with Brian on the Harley, that made her day.

Stacy and Chad now start their life together and we wish them all the best.

I hope Aunt Jean & Leona, finally got some feeling back in there toes, it was a little cool in the hall, we did the best we could to keep them warm.

And a little more good news according to Debbie Golden "Shea" comments in my first blog is that her son Michael is going to make her a Grand Mother in October. I have not got to that part of my life yet, and I am in no hurry either, it will come in due time. Keep us posted Debbie and I look forward to hearing about what is going on in your life and how all is doing.

And yes I guess the last news of Celebration is that Aunt Jean is moving out of her home and into a smaller more manageable place for her, which is great, gives her time to enjoy life and do what she enjoys, maybe Debbie can get Carolyn, Marilyn, and Denise involved here and see how they are doing..

I guess Celebrations come in different ways, it really depends on where you are in your life. I look forward to talking and hearing about more celebrations in the future, and hopefully they will be good ones.....

Our blog has expanded just a little more this week and I will leave it up to you folks to get the address out to more family members, as I think it would be great to hear from them and what is going on in there busy lives.

Hope to have a good week, and hope to see your comments again soon.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My first day on a blog.......

Well this is the start of my blog, for those not familiar with blogs it is a means of sharing your thoughts, your feelings, and photo's of your family, yourself, your loved ones, for anyone who cares to look at them can, and who knows they can maybe add a comment or two and it is a never ending story.

The purpose of my blog is to share with both sides of my family, my fathers side The Parsons, and also my mothers side The Carpenters. Over the years i know that both parties have crossed paths, which are usually at funerals or weddings. not always a good combination too running into family members so i hope starting this blog that we can share stories and photo's of our families and what is going on in our lives and have some fun with this and rekindle some old memories and bring us all up to speed what is going on in our busy lives.

So having said this i will post this and then send it out too family members who's email i do have and have them pass it along to other members who have access to internet and also have an interest in this beginning.

So i hope to see you soon, and read your comments over a period of days and weeks.

talk soon.
