Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We Buried our Mother Today

It has been almost 8 months since my mothers passing and the day finally came Sat Oct 14th @ 1pm to put her to rest. It was her wishes that she have a very simple service with immediate family present. It does not surprise me that she would want this, as she was always worried about inconviencing someone and i am sure she would think the same thing even after leaving this earth that she would not want to trouble anyone to come out and pay there last respects to her. It started out to be a nice afternoon and then the black clouds set in just as the service was starting and the skies opened up with the sleet and hail coming down, I heard someone say that everything happens for a reason, and just about then i thought, did Joan have any part of this weather condition , as her way of showing or trying to tell us something, maybe for us taking longer then planned on putting her to rest. Or was it just Mother Nature being cruel as she can be some times. Not all the family was present as mentioned earlier by Jim and Tammy, our Fort Erie family was hit hard and suffered some major damage and set back.

Bill Carpenter contacted me and expressed his sorrow in not being able to make it to the service and passed along his respects. I thought that was a great consideration toward my mother and know that Fort Eries prayers were with us and my mothers memory....... Joan is now resting hopefully in Peace now with my father Bud.... She will be missed everyday... Goodbye Mom..xoxo

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