Thursday, November 09, 2006

Kassidy in Brownies

Nicole had promised me some pictures of her daughter Kassidy in her brownie uniform, she sent me a few to choose from and i have to say i thought this was the one that stood out the most and kind of said it all. I remember when i was in Cub Scouts , man it seems like a million years ago now, we got to wear that little cub hat, and our uniform was all nice and pressed. We attended meetings on tues in a hall that was actually a church on the corner of Mountainview and Sinclair but that night we took it over and did cub activities. Learned to tie my first knots there... don't ask me to do them now...i only remember a couple of them. We also had a makeshift fire pit, now anyone that went to cubs or scouts or even brownies for that matter will know what i am talking about , this was a fake fire pit that had a red covering with a lightbulb under it to give it the effect of a glowing fire, never was any heat from it, none that you had to worry about anyways.
I think it would be great if we could get a couple of the kids that are going to Cubs or scouts or Brownies and do a post on here and tell us some of there stories of there own. Do they still sing Kumbaya at the jamboree's??? Hope to hear from you soon.

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