Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fort Erie gets hit by Mother Nature

Jim and Tammy said...
Hi everyone. Mike,Laura,Darrell,Kelly and families. PLEASE accept our appologies for not being able to say our goodbyes to a wonder woman to Joan Parsons. Our lives and many others have been touched for knowing such a special person. We really felt bad about not showing up today,but I am sure you all heard Mother Nature was not too nice to us this week. Fort Erie got dumped on Thrusday afternoon and by 4:30 all the hydro was gone. Today at about 10:30 am it came on for about 10 mins. Before we knew the basement started to flood, the generator broke. Jim worked on the generator,Leslie,Shawn and me proceeded to bail water. Found 2 extra generators and repaired the other one. hydro back on at 5:00 pm. Not sure if Brian has any.Bill and Patti no, but finially did get a generator.As for us,we have had Jason,Melanie,Joseph and 2cats since Thrus. Tonight Leslie,Shawn and 2 cats have joined us. Jim has got a little Cat House going for himself because we have 2 indoor cats and 1 outdoor cat. And if his shoulder didn't hurt so damn much he might enjoy himself.Well that about it for now.Again we are sorry we could not make today.Hope to see you all soon under better circumstances. Jim and Tammy
10/14/2006 11:32 PM

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