Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nicole's Daughter starts Brownies (Debbie's Daughter)

Nicole wrote:
Hey Mike, It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you very much for forwarding the link to me. I think it is a great idea. Finally we can all keep in touch. Of course I remember you, lol. Mom is right you are a hard person to forget. Doesn't help that mom talks about you ALL time too. Not much is new with me. I am sure mom has told you that i now work at the same place she does, at a nursing home. I absolutly love my job. Those old folks really do get to my heart and it is a privlage to help them in their time of need. Kassidy is 7 years old going on 30 lol and in grade 2. she started brownies this year and loving it. She went to her first brownie camp last weekend. I thought she was giong to cry and not want me to leave but to my surprise my baby grabbed her stuff and said good bye as she ran into the cabin. I went car shopping this weekend. I am so confused as to what car I really like now. I do have a while to decide, lol I need to get rid of some debt first. Hopefully I can do it soon. In 2 weeks i am going to get some pitures done so hopefully i will have some great ones for you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

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