Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My New Sister-Inlaws Birthday

Well it looks like its a busy week for Birthday's and its only Tuesday, Today i get to say Happy Birthday to my new found Sister In law Bev. Bev is married to Jeff my long lost brother, well he is not lost anymore... Bev and Jeff live out in Abbotsford BC with their 3 children, and for anyone that was able to make it up to Georgetown last spring and had a chance to meet Bev and Jeff they will already know the story. And for anyone else that has not met or seen them, i will doing a posting soon, introducing his story to my blog. Anyways back to Bev's special day. Happy Birthday Bev, i hope my brother got you something nice, I told him that you could go wrong with Jewelry, but if i know Jeff, I am going to guess he got you a nice Salmon fishing rod, and if i know you... that would make you happy... Well what ever he got you, i hope you enjoy it.... Enjoy your special day. Maybe we can get some pictures from you of your birthday so i can get them up here on the blog for all to see... No pictures of the cake thou, we do not want to count all those candles.... Love Mike xoxo The Good looking Brother In law xo


Darrell & Kelly Parsons said...

The good looking one? Don't forget that Bev met me too and knows that I have it "All Going On". Happy Birthday Bev from the whole family. If your anything like Kelly, then there better be some form of gold, diamond or jewel attached to this fishing rod.
Have a great birthday.

Debbie G said...

Bev..you did not get to me when you were here I was sick.HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY..