Thursday, December 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Jennifer

Ahhhh we have another Birthday this month, Jennifer (Denises Daughter ) is celebrating her birthday, actually it was Tues Dec 5th, No i did not forget about you Jenn, you were in my thoughts, keep checking your mail box, you might be getting something, now don't get too excited just a little something. Hope your birthday was good and maybe you can put a posting up here telling us what you did on your special day. I am still waiting for pictures from some people to get posted up here. I know its been awhile since i have been here, but being that time of year it is busy for everyone.
Laura and I and the boys are heading to mexico the week of Dec 10th, figure this will be our last major vacation together, well down south anyways, so this should be interesting, and i should have some pictures to share when i return.
Also i am not hearing from alot of family members on here where has everyone gone? get the word out there to get on the family blog and let us know what is going on in there life.
We all would like to know. See you in a week.