Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Week of Celebrations

It has been a busy week for me, alot of various celebrations going on that i was able to attend and others i was made aware of thru our blog here. My first celebration was a celebration of life, a girl I went to school with and who Laura knew very well was diagnosed with cancer in 1999 and sadly passed away Monday Sept 11th, 2006, Her name was Joanne and she also taught both my boys Rusty and Andrew, she was a teacher in the catholic school here in Georgetown. Joanne was a big sponsor of the Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk for the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, and Laura had completed that walk a couple years ago also.
I say we celebrate Joann's life as she was only 42 years of age, and she had suffered so much pain from this terrible disease , that when the final minutes of her life came to an end, her family and friends were so happy that the suffering was finally over and she was in a peaceful place now.

My next celebration was of a 13th Birthday, Darrell's oldest son "Brydon" has entered into the teenager part of his life, boy is he ever getting tall, we celebrated with a dinner and cake at Shoeless Joes in town, the same place we celebrated Joan's 65th birthday, it seems to be where we do most of our celebrations with family and friends. Darrell & Kelly have 2 other sons also, Alex who is 10 and very quiet, and then there is Zack who is 5 and a little pistol, the boy is full of energy.

Saturday Darrell , Kelly, Laura & myself traveled down to Fort Erie to join in and witness another celebration, Bill & Patty Carpenter's daughter "Stacy got married to Chad James. It was a great day, had a chance to see some of the Carpenter clan, and of course all there kids and even grandkids. We spent some time at Brian and Michele's home between the ceremony and the reception, so that gave us a chance to catch up on some lost time and share some memories. Aunt Bonnie had a chance to get a ride with Brian on the Harley, that made her day.

Stacy and Chad now start their life together and we wish them all the best.

I hope Aunt Jean & Leona, finally got some feeling back in there toes, it was a little cool in the hall, we did the best we could to keep them warm.

And a little more good news according to Debbie Golden "Shea" comments in my first blog is that her son Michael is going to make her a Grand Mother in October. I have not got to that part of my life yet, and I am in no hurry either, it will come in due time. Keep us posted Debbie and I look forward to hearing about what is going on in your life and how all is doing.

And yes I guess the last news of Celebration is that Aunt Jean is moving out of her home and into a smaller more manageable place for her, which is great, gives her time to enjoy life and do what she enjoys, maybe Debbie can get Carolyn, Marilyn, and Denise involved here and see how they are doing..

I guess Celebrations come in different ways, it really depends on where you are in your life. I look forward to talking and hearing about more celebrations in the future, and hopefully they will be good ones.....

Our blog has expanded just a little more this week and I will leave it up to you folks to get the address out to more family members, as I think it would be great to hear from them and what is going on in there busy lives.

Hope to have a good week, and hope to see your comments again soon.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My first day on a blog.......

Well this is the start of my blog, for those not familiar with blogs it is a means of sharing your thoughts, your feelings, and photo's of your family, yourself, your loved ones, for anyone who cares to look at them can, and who knows they can maybe add a comment or two and it is a never ending story.

The purpose of my blog is to share with both sides of my family, my fathers side The Parsons, and also my mothers side The Carpenters. Over the years i know that both parties have crossed paths, which are usually at funerals or weddings. not always a good combination too running into family members so i hope starting this blog that we can share stories and photo's of our families and what is going on in our lives and have some fun with this and rekindle some old memories and bring us all up to speed what is going on in our busy lives.

So having said this i will post this and then send it out too family members who's email i do have and have them pass it along to other members who have access to internet and also have an interest in this beginning.

So i hope to see you soon, and read your comments over a period of days and weeks.

talk soon.
